Sunday, June 3, 2007


After a few weeks of eating simple meals, out at friends and restaurants and on the road, I was so ready to make a great meal. But alas, I am still in shock about how much food costs here and I have to search every store before I start paying ridiculous prices. So we decided to have burritos, but I had no tomatoes, or sour cream, or tortillas. Well, we did without the tomatoes and sour cream, but I decided to make my own tortillas, since I could find anything less than DOUBLE what I paid in H*. So I gathered my recipe from my Wymount days. It was in our ward cookbook from a lady from Chile, although she said she got the recipe from her sister who spent time in Mexico.
It's a little time consuming because you have to roll them out and cook each one, but they are soooo yummy. And this recipe doesn't call for baking powder like most others. So here's Mayka's tortilla recipe.

3 c. flour
1 tsp. salt
1 c. hot water
1/4 - 1/3 c oil

Mix together in a large bowl the flour and salt. Mix the hot water and oil together and poor immediately into the flour and salt. Mix together until flour is incorporated. (Mayka used a knife to mix it, I use a fork or a wooden spoon and then my hands at the end)
This will make 16 large tortillas, but you can make them any size. Roll them out on a lightly floured surfaced, as thin as you can get them. It's really hard to get a perfect circle, most of mine are not very round (but they still taste good, so who cares, right?). I cook them as I go, it's helpful to tag team - have one person roll them out and one man the griddle. The griddle (or cast iron skillet) needs to be very hot (400 F). They only need to cook a few minutes on each side.
to keep them warm place a towel on the counter and fold it in half. After each tortilla is cooked put it on the bottom half of the towel and cover it with the top half.
I hope that it's not too confusing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm going to try this one! John & I love to cook with tortillas, but I agree they cost over $4 for 30. This is much cheaper!